فارسی عربي

ifilm exclusive interview with Maryam Amir-Jalali

Famous Iran actress Maryam Amir-Jalali speaks in an exclusive interview with ifilm about her acting career and current artistic activities.

Iran comic movies and series star Maryam Amir-Jalai sits for an exclusive interview with ifilm, sharing thoughts on TV series and other related cinematic issues.

Ms. Jalali is quite well-known for those following up Iran comic series. She mostly plays the role of a person who occasionally loses temper and starts shouting. While she entered the realm of acting a bit too late, the actress could win the hearts of the small screen audience.

Some of her memorable series include 'The Story of a City 2' (2000), 'The Entrance Exam' (2002), 'The New Bride' (2002), 'Homeless' (2004), 'The Way of Infatuation' (2004), 'The Suspect Got Away' (2005), 'Sweet and Sour' (2006), 'Checkered' (2007), 'Four Wheels' (2011), 'Family Conspiracy' (2011), 'A Girl Named Ahoo' (2011), 'Restless' (2013) and 'Bad Days Pass' (2013).

Below is a rough translation of selected parts from the interview conducted by ifilm in Persian.

ifilm: Ms. Amir-Jalali, you managed to prove yourself in the comic genre just a short while after you started your acting career. Named one of the prolific actors of Iran in the previous decade, you have kept distance from TV productions. What is the reason for not appearing in TV series more often?

Amir-Jalali: We mainly have low-quality screenplays. This is not true to say that Amir-Jalali cherry-picks when it comes to choosing a role in a series. I just want to be seen on the small screen with quality series such as ‘The Suspect Got Away’ or ‘Vagabond’. Sorry to say this, but a miracle must happen before I could play in a new TV series.

ifilm: So now, can you tell us why such series are still well received by the audience after all these years?

Amir-Jalali: Best screenplays really count in these series.’ The Suspect Got Away’ had a strong story and one can say the storyline emerged from people themselves and that is why the audience could well relate to it. Another point is that the directing team was also important; Reza Attaran is an authentic TV series director. Let me tell this, when I hear people still love a series rerun after many years and ask me on the street to talk about the series I appeared in, such moments are the best parts of my life. In fact, people have given me my real rewards over the years. They are really a boost for me and support me.

ifilm: Then, do you agree that Television needs Attaran and he is missed by the small screen audience.  

Amir-Jalali: Whatever series that this director made was so-to-speak a hit. He knew actors well and gave them their best parts. He did this in a way that all would say so-and-so actor was the best choice for a given role and there was no one playing the role better. He did the casting based on the actors’ capabilities, choosing a good screenplay as well.  We all worked with him with enthusiasm. My countrymates are smart and we cannot make them laugh with low-level language or in any possible way. They tell a good and bad work apart. I never pretended in comic works or cheating the audience, so-to speak.

ifilm: Which role would you prefer playing: a dramatic or comic?  

Amir-Jalali: Honestly, I have done my level best all these years to play various roles and avoid repeating myself in different films and series.  Like other actors, I assess my acting abilities in different roles to check which genre is me.

ifilm: What have you been up to lately?

Amir-Jalali: Most recently, I finished working on new comic-themed film ‘We Are Cool’ featuring Majid Salehi, Mehran Ghafourian, Ali Mashhadi and Behnoush Bakhtiari.

I hope it will appeal to the audience. From the bottom of my heart, I have always strived to make people smile. I won’t trade such experience with anything. It is my hope and wish for the people of my country to be happy and I am more than glad to have a small role in their happiness

